Glass Cutting & Marking


Glass Marking

Laser를 이용하여 Glass Making을 하기는 쉽지 않습니다.  대부분의 Co2 Laser 경우는  조각면이 아주 거칠어지고(유리 particle 이 깨져 나오는 현상) 두께가 1mm 이하인 경우에는 거의 작업이 불가능 하며 유리 전체가 깨지는 현상이 발생 합니다.  이를 개선하기 위하여 사용하는 방법은 Thermal  Effect 가 최소화 될수 있는 UV Laser를 활용 하면 가능 하게 됩니다.  기존 스마트폰의 강화유리 에도 마킹이 가능 하며 바코드등의 ID Printing 도 가능 합니다.

Application of MOPA laser in the glass industry 2024jpg_Page11_Image7

MOPA Laser Marking

FM0   FC111111000:zzzzzz01b11c 00  0  05f040045042c1040 c30136276 14  0232 b121e  0  0  0  0 0 0 0 021e51395135  03f 020d5132513a  03f 01fc5134513d  0 5 01eb51435150  0ac 01da514f5162  03f 01c9518151b2  03f 01b8519b51da  03f 01a751b25201  03f 01965206525c  03f 0185523d529e  03f 0174525352ab  040 0163526552ca  040 015252ea5386  040 0141533c5407  040 0130536c5449  040 011f539d549c  040 010e53f35536  040 0 fd54725605  040 0 ec54db56b1  040 0 db549e5674  040 0 fd544e5630  040 010553af54e6  040 010d54a95631  040 0115544b5592  040 011d540d551b  040 0105538b547d  040 01055438555b  040 0

UV Laser Marking

Application of MOPA laser in the glass industry 2024jpg_Page3_Image5

HIgh Peak Energy IR Laser Cutting

Glass Cutting

Cutting method Principle Advantage Shortcoming


Mechanical cutting Use a diamond or hard metal wheel to score lines, then break the glass
Simple process and low cost It is easy to cause waste of materials, and post¬
processing such as cleaning and polishing must be
carried out after cutting. The cut surface is
relatively rough and there are fine cracks.
Crack control method
A low-power laser is used to defocus the surface of the substrate to heat it.
Due to the strong absorption of the laser by the glass, the local heat rises
sharply to generate thermal stress, and then it is quenched to crack along
the laser scanning path under the action of stress to separate the plate.
Non-contact, non-polluting
environment, easy to control
Thermal impact is unavoidable, and in many
applications, the cutting edge still needs to be
ground, and the application scenarios are limited.
Melt evaporation
cutting(High power CO2)
Taking advantage of the good plasticity and ductility of the glass at the
softening temperature, the focused laser is irradiated on the surface of the
softened glass, and the high energy density causes the glass to melt, and
then the molten glass is blown away by the airflow, resulting in grooves.
Enables fusion cutting of glass.
Avoid thermal stress The cut is relatively rough, the glass is easy to
burst, and the heat impact is unavoidable.
Laser cutting Ultrafast laser cutting The ultra-high-density laser beam generates self-focusing inside the glass,
forming micron-scale wire holes in the material, and generating micro¬
cracks along the diameter direction by optimizing the spacing of the wire
holes, and then applying external force to break the glass along the micro¬
High precision and no micro
cracks, good cutting quality
High cost, slow efficiency, and limited application
Green laser cutting The laser is focused on the lower surface of the glass, the focus moves from
bottom to top, the laser pulse acts on the material point by point, and the
laser focus moves quickly in space according to the predetermined design
path to achieve material removal.
Strong application ability Low power, low efficiency, light pollution
MOPA laser cutting Similar to green light cutting, ordinary MOPA lasers cannot cut, and the
peak value must be increased.
Low cost, fast efficiency,
strong application ability
The edge chipping is relatively large, 200~500gm.
Application of MOPA laser in the glass industry 2024jpg_Page8_Image4

MOPA Laser Glass Cutting

Core components of laser glass drilling equipment: Laser, Beam expander, Galvanometer, Field lens, control card, motorized Z-axis
Work principle: Laser pulses are focused on the bottom of the glass to create "micro-explosions" that break the glass into powdery particles.

Single-layer material removal is accomplished by scanning the laser focus horizontally. The material is removed layer by layer from below, and

finally the glass is perforated.